Thursday, December 30, 2004

Hollywood comes to Australia...Again

Hollywood will be filming a children's classic called Charlotte's Web, in a lcoal town, Greendale in the state of Victoria. Its a movie about a pig, Wilbur and a spider, Charlotte. I never heard of this classic until yesterday when I read about it in The Age.

Albeit, the cast has not be made public it seems that Dakota Fanning, the girl in I Am Sam and Cat in the Hat is going to star in it, and Susan Sarandon might as well. Gary Winick is going to direct this movie. He also directed Suddenly 30... You can draw your own conclusions.

Hollywood will be filming another movie in Victoria based on the Marvel comic Ghost Rider in 2005. This too is a comic that I have never heard of.

I think there is no way in hell this pig movie is going to be a blockbuster even if its filmed in Hawaii. When will people get it that retarded movies don't make it big?

I don't know if anyone's seen Babe but this spider and pig movie seems to be going in the same direction. Its an unspoken truth whenever Hollywood makes movies about farm animals they just SUCK!


Abdusalaam al-Hindi said...

Yes El, that's what I like about you. You have that, I'm not gonna take sh*t from no one, attitude that I've come to admire so much. Hahahaha

El Savior said...

That's right. straight up homie!

Mujahid said...

"Charlotte's Web" was a hit cartoon in the 80s. I've seen it and the studio is just trying to cash in on their old glory again thats all and its not going to work.