Friday, January 28, 2005

Father Murders Teenage Daughter

Heres another story about a dumb Arab. There are just too many of 'em. Anyway it goes like this.

A Kuwaiti killed his 13-year-old daughter by slitting her throat in front of her siblings because he thought she was not a virgin, newspapers reported yesterday.
The 38-year-old father, identified only as Adnan, blindfolded and handcuffed his daughter, Asma, before murdering her late Tuesday as she pleaded for him to spare her life, Al-Rai Al-Aam said.

After cutting her throat a first time, the man swapped the knife for one with a sharper blade while his daughter bled and screamed in pain as her two brothers and a sister watched, the daily added. It said forensic examinations proved the girl was still a virgin.


Mujahid said...

>>"Heres another story about a dumb Arab."

My God! If I may El, That is such a.....GORA(White) statement.

Where are the links to this story? Come on El, you could be a little more journalistic than this.

El Savior said...

Symbolism? What do you mean symbolism? My username is "El Savior", what better avatar than buddy jesus?!
It really doesn't mean anything. Its just a username.

El Savior said...
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El Savior said...

yes it does have credibility. It was an article in the ArabNews.

vora said...

hey knightmare, although yeah el savior didn't post his reference, these stories are COMPLETELY true. Unfortunately, honor killings among arabs are VERY common.
i don't think that was a GORA statement AT ALL! It was a generality but considering the topic el savior was addressing it was TRUE.

Mujahid said...

Hey Vora, I know about the honor killings and much more about the Middle East. But, the "dumb arab" phrase is still too racist.

Hey El, when are you going to update your blog? Abdusalaam and I work on a new post almost everyday for your slaying, and here you haven't updated since January 28, 2005. Awaken your literary demon.

El Savior said...

Sorry people I haven't updated my blog for quite some time. I've got exams to deal with here, knightmare.I will update next week.
Mighty nice conversation we're having here. All I can say to Vora is GIRL POWER!!!! :)

Mujahid said...

I'm sorry, did anyone of you go to juornalism school? No, I didn't think so either. Thats right! You tell'em Fox.

Anonymous said...

it's so sad!!
i'm muslim like you and we know the honor killing are forbidden in our religion :it's due to the ignorance and old traditions